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Using Fastercise to Reduce Chronic Inflammation and Chronic Disease


By Michael Rothman, MD;  Physician & Author 

Published 3/19/2020

Ankle and Ligaments




Chronic diseases like high blood pressure (HTN), type II diabetes (DM), obesity and heart disease (CAD) are becoming increasingly common in modern society. These diseases share many common underlying factors, many of which are from different stresses on your body.  Avoiding (and even reversing) these chronic diseases is actually not that complicated. It involves identifying and reducing the stressors on your system efficiently and effectively. 




Stress is part of your everyday life.

Not all stress is bad. You do need a certain amount of stress to challenge yourself to become your best self. However, too much stress can have a detrimental effect on your health.  Almost all chronic disease is the result of chronic stressors, which eventually lead to chronic inflammation.  Common stressors include poor diet, lack of (or poor quality) sleep, emotional stress, environmental stressors (like mold exposure and chemical exposure), bad bowel flora (dysbiosis), excess work or excess/improper physical activity. 




Chronic inflammation can lead to chronic disease.

Chronic inflammation can lead to being overweight (excess stored body fat), insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, cognitive impairment, and various autoimmune diseases.  How you manifest chronic inflammation can depend on genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. If you are overstressed, you may also experience a certain level of functional metabolic syndromes including Mast Cell Activation, Leaky Gut, SIBO (small intestinal bowel overgrowth), Mitochondrial dysfunction, WTS (Wilson's Temperature Syndrome), and POTS (paroxysmal orthostatic tachycardia syndrome).




When does stress become distress?


How do you know the difference between normal stress and too much stress (distress)? When you experience “normal” levels of stress, your body detects the increased stress through feedback signals and compensates for the stress to bring your body back into balance, or homeostasis.  


Let us examine two examples of how the body responds to feedback in order to stay in balance.  Your temperature rises, you feel hot, you start to sweat, sweat evaporates from your skin, evaporation lowers your body temperature, you feel cooler, and then your temperature is normal again.


Conversely, your temperature drops, you feel cold, you start to shiver, shivering uses up energy, this energetic release raises your temperature, you feel warmer, your temperature returns to normal.




Normal Feedback = Homeostasis = Healthy Response to Stress


How about if you have excess stress (distress) that is constant and unremitting? Can you maintain homeostasis? No, distress can lead to vicious cycles resulting in chronic inflammation and eventually chronic disease.  Vicious cycles are like a snowball rolling down a hill, accumulating more snow, picking up speed, and getting larger with each rotation of the sphere. 


Let us look at a common example of a vicious cycle. Overeating leads to weight gain, which leads to increased adipose tissue (fat). This excess adipose tissue (fat) secretes chemicals into your system, which causes inflammation. This inflammation alters your insulin receptors, which raises your blood sugar.  High blood sugar increases your insulin levels, leading to insulin resistance and inflammation. Inflammation increases swelling in your capillaries, which impairs your microcirculation. Impaired microcirculation leads to a lack of oxygen in your tissues. This lack of oxygen creates free radicals in your tissues, which creates additional inflammation! So you can see, the simple act of overeating can have severe adverse downstream metabolic effects. 


Worse, yet, chronic inflammation also leads to mitochondrial injury, which impairs your energy production, which leads to fatigue. In addition, chronic inflammation can injure your leptin receptors, which can further increase your appetite and simultaneously impair your ability to lose weight. As this vicious cycle continues, you become sicker and sicker, fatter and fatter, increasingly fatigued and increasingly inflamed! 




Yikes! Vicious cycle = Loss of Homeostatic Control = Chronic Disease

It is very easy to get “stuck” in unhealthy vicious cycles and not be able to escape. Being in a vicious cycle is like being in a big hole in the ground: it may be difficult to escape the hole, because if you start digging, you may end up digging in the wrong direction and make the hole even deeper. The walls of the hole act like barriers keeping you stuck. You may not be able to overcome these barriers and sink further into your hole. Life becomes more difficult, your energy drops, your focus wanes, you may feel hopeless and want to give up. 




Fortunately, THERE IS HOPE!


Dr. Denis Wilson has developed a revolutionary technique known as Fastercise that can reverse vicious cycles to restore normal balance (homeostasis), reduce inflammation and hence reverse your chronic disease. 


Fastercise utilizes short bursts of high-intensity exercise, properly timed to eating and hunger signals to enhance fat burning and muscle building. Fastercise takes only a few minutes each day but can turn you from a fat-storing slug into a fat-burning machine.  Fastercise can be done anywhere without any special attire or equipment. 


Fastercise can help reduce insulin resistance, reduce adipose tissue (fat), improve mitochondrial functioning, and increase your energy levels. Therefore, Fastercise helps combat many of the underlying causes of chronic inflammation. This reduces the development of chronic disease states. Fastercise can help extract you from the depths of your unhealthy vicious cycles of inflammation, fatigue and weight gain and get you back on level ground so that you can move forward with your health. 






About the Author:





Fastercise is a ground-breaking fitness program, and the fastest and easiest fitness available. Fastercise aligns with the body’s survival mechanisms. How? Fastercise uses instinctive exercise to consume energy faster than the body can make it. This sends a strong signal to burn stored body fat. So you can be sitting at your desk and do Fastercise for just a minute or two and see huge results.


Michael Rothman, MD is board-certified in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine.  He is author of Edibolic Stress - How the Lies you are Being Fed are Making You Sick and is the medical director of MD Wellness. He has also studied martial arts for more than 15 years as well as weight and core training.  He is the founder of MD Wellness in New Jersey where he uses his Metabolically Directed Functional Medicine Approach to treat the underlying causes of disease.

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